Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs Will Build 1.5 Million Homes over 10 Years

HAMILTON – At a time when Ontario’s population is growing, only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs have a plan and proven track record to keep costs down for families by building 1.5 million new homes over 10 years.

“For 15 years, the Del Duca-Wynne Liberals let the housing crisis spiral out of control as they added mountains of red tape that made building homes impossible,” said Doug Ford. “The NDP and Liberals want more reports, committees and studies as they find any reason to say ‘no’ to building more homes, making the cost of buying one even more expensive for Ontario families.”

Under Doug Ford’s leadership, the PC government created the province’s first-ever Housing Supply Action Plan to cut through red tape and get more homes built faster. The plan is producing results: in 2021, Ontario broke ground on a record number of new homes with more than 100,000 new homes in only 12 months, the highest level of new housing starts in a single year since 1987. Last year, Ontario reached a 30-year record for new rental housing construction, the most units built in a single year since 1991. The PC government also made historic, multi-billion dollar investments to grow and enhance community and supportive housing services, working hand-in-hand with municipal and federal partners. 

Building on this momentum, a re-elected Ontario PC government will build 1.5 million new homes over the next 10 years to keep up with current and future demands of a growing province. To do so, a re-elected PC government will continue to work in partnership with municipalities to remove burdensome red tape to significantly accelerate the permitting and approvals of new home and rental construction. In close partnership with municipalities, a re-elected PC government will also update its Housing Supply Action Plan annually to identify and implement additional levers that will get more homes built faster. This will include continuing to advance the transit-oriented community program, which recently led to agreements to build nearly 50,000 new housing units in the Greater Toronto Area that will be connected to transit.

“The Liberals and NDP talk a big game about solving Ontario’s housing supply crisis, hoping Ontarians weren’t paying attention to the 15 years they spent creating it, ” added Ford. ” Our plan to get shovels in the ground to build 1.5 million new homes will help keep costs down for families by building the supply that meets homeownership demand. The Ontario PCs have a realistic plan to actually tackle the underlying problem of supply by building more quality homes, faster.”

A re-elected PC government will stand up for Ontario homebuyers by cracking down and punishing land and housing permit speculators who are artificially choking the supply of new homes and driving up costs. The PC government established the toughest, most expensive foreign buyers tax in Canada that closed Liberal loopholes and expanded it province-wide. 

To protect Ontario homebuyers, the PC government massively expanded fines to punish unethical developers for new home contract cancellations, extended new home warranties and strengthened and empowered Ontario’s housing regulator to proactively investigate and stand up for Ontario homebuyers.

Today, Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs also welcomed an endorsement from one of the province’s leading voices on Ontario’s housing supply crisis, the Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON). RESCON is applauding the party’s commitment to addressing the province’s housing supply shortage by implementing a long-term strategy to build significantly more homes year-over-year, province-wide, including strategic investments in cutting-edge technology and education to support life-long careers in the skilled trades. This endorsement confirms that the Ontario PCs are the party of choice for workers in the construction industry who want to get the job done right.

Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs will get it done and address Ontario’s shortage of homes by building more than 1.5 million new homes.

Only Doug Ford will Get it Done.

Former Hamilton Mayor and Liberal MP Endorses Pete Wiesner

Hamilton Centre has not had a voice in the provincial government for nearly 30 years. The upcoming by-election provides an opportunity for voters in Hamilton Centre to elect an MPP with a seat at the table in the PC government. In my opinion Pete Wiesner is the best candidate to represent Hamilton Centre. His skills […]

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Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals Will Cost You

December 2, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – On the occasion of the Ontario Liberals’ leadership announcement, the Ontario PCs released the following statement: “Let’s meet the Ontario Liberals’ latest leader, Bonnie Crombie. She doesn’t get the concerns of everyday people. She drives fancy cars and vacations at her home in the Hamptons. She’s been […]

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Ontario Invests in Inclusive and Accessible Communities

TORONTO — The Ontario government is investing $750,000 to help communities across the province become more inclusive and accessible for people of all ages and abilities. Applications for the 2023-24 round of Inclusive Community Grants opened today. These grants provide municipalities, non-profit organizations, and Indigenous communities with up to $60,000 for local projects that will […]

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